I am pleased and en-heartened by the
Supreme Court ruling making two person marriage of adults regardless
of gender legal in all 50 states. Since the Stonewall Riots of 1969
the LGBT community has been working hard on changing the attitudes of
the 'Straight' community. They are to be congratulated on a fight
fought well and a battle won (while acknowledging the war is not yet won).
Thinking about this made me realize
that the Polyamorous community, though starting to be noticed by the
media, is still largely in the shadows. We also face legal
restrictions, and I am not just talking about the illegality of
marrying more than one person at a time. In some states, functional
bigamy is illegal and can be prosecuted by the state or used as a
pretext for the loss of custody of children. Housing restrictions
limiting the number of unrelated adults living together are common.
Restrictions on who can see a person in the Emergency Room are
In addition to legal issues it is not
uncommon for Poly people to find themselves disowned by their
families, fired from their jobs (on morality clauses), slut-shamed,
or even beaten due to their relational orientation. (reference:
Watching the LGBT community deal with
similar issues made me realize that the first step to solving these
issues is coming out and being proud of who I am. I have not been
exactly closeted, many of my friends, neighbors, and family already
know that I am Polyamorous. For those that don't, this is my coming
out. I first admitted it to myself about 23 years ago and, with a few
abortive attempts at monogamy in the interim, I have lived a Poly
lifestyle ever since.
What do I mean when I say I am Poly? I
mean two things 1) my heart is not capable of being exclusive in
romantic attachment or attraction. Nor am I given to jealousy when a
partner is attracted to or involved with another lover. 2) I choose
to live a life of ethical non-monogamy. I am up-front with potential
partners about my relational orientation. I do not promise
exclusivity and then cheat. I do not play emotional games. I will say
what I want and accept the answer I am given. I will not manipulate
or coerce a partner or potential partner into a circumstance they
resisted. I commit to communicate and process my feelings and those
of my partners. I commit to respect not only my partners' feelings but
also those of their partners, children, family, and other loved ones.
I have seen some marvelous monogamous
relationships. My parents were married for 63 years and clearly loved
each other as much at the end as they had at the beginning. Most of
my siblings have been married for many decades in what I observe to
be matrimonial bliss. I am not criticizing monogamy at all, though I
find some attitudes and behaviors common to monogamous relationships
to be hurtful and diminishing to those involved in such
relationships. There are other monogamous relationships that appear
to avoid those pitfalls.
I realize that I may offend some by my
candor. You have the right to be offended if you so choose. I don't
choose to give any weight to your offense in my life decisions.
I welcome thoughtful comments. I will
delete hateful responses.