Terrorism, in the word we use to describe it, means instilling terror in a society. If we allow ourselves to surrender to that fear then we have declared the terrorists to be the victors. It is only in finding and expressing the generosity in our souls that we truly combat the dangers facing us. So long as we stand for generosity and against fear, we win. I say, Onward to Victory!
This poem is in the collection Poetry's Purpose
Available for Kindle download at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00YX2VZ78
Available in Printed version at http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/uicearbhaill
Available for purchase at The Book Juggler http://www.thebookjuggler.com/store.php
A pretty girl picking through
A trash can for some food
Haply finds a sandwich half
Enhancing her good mood
Woman with an extra half
At cafe table near
Offers it up to the girl
Without a trace of fear
Short exchange of pleasantries
No guilt, no hard luck tale
Just normal life, here in town
The words within me fail